One Piece Movie 3: Chopper Kingdom of Strange Animal Island
Type: Fall 2022 Anime
Plot Summary: When Luffy and friends stumble across a rumoured island hidden by clouds, there is much excitement. However, instead of hunting for treasure, the crew end up hunting for Chopper instead! And speaking of hunting, why are there 3 strange guys lurking on this island going after animals with horns? An action filled adventure awaits, and the island's true treasure is discovered. Forget Pirate King, what would you say about becoming the Animal King?
Genre: Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen
Released: 2002
Status: Completed Anime
Other name: One Piece Movie 03: Chinjuu-jima no Chopper Oukoku / One Piece: Chinjou Shima no Chopper Oukoku / ワンピース 珍獣島のチョッパー王国 / One Piece: Chopper Kingdom of Strange Animal Island / One Piece Film 3: Chopper auf der Insel der seltsamen Tiere / One Piece Película 3: El Reino de Chopper en la Isla de los Animales Raros / One Piece Film 3: Le Royaume de Chopper, L'étrange île des Animaux /